Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

28 „Michels kleine Farm“: agriculture, animals and farm store

At the beginning, from 1874, agriculture and brewery still belonged together.

With the inheritance, however, both businesses were separated, with agriculture being handed over to the son brother Michael Kundmüller. Today he runs the farm together with his family in a modern and sustainable way. The products from homemade sausage and meat products to eggs, fruit, vegetables and much more can be purchased directly in our own farm store.

Produrre birra

Un mestiere

Il nostro reparto cottura risale al 1975 e ogni cottura è di 50 hl (1 hl = 100 litri). La produzione della birra Weiherer è curata dal mastro birraio Roland Kundmüller, coadiuvato quotidianamente dai nostri birrai, dato che produrre birra è un processo complesso.

Maggiori informazioni sul birrificio