Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

9 Beer garden / playgrounds

Beer garden time is the best time!

Regardless of whether in the downstairs area with our shady giant chestnut trees or in the sunny area upstairs with the adjacent playground – everyone feels at home in our beer garden. It is the atmosphere, surrounded by nature and idyll, that will make your visit special. Our beer garden is open during the summer months at the current times (see station seven or our website) and has room for up to 250 guests.

Bierkrugsymbol Did you know ...

... that in 2005 our beer garden was elected beer garden of the year?

Produrre birra

Un mestiere

Il nostro reparto cottura risale al 1975 e ogni cottura è di 50 hl (1 hl = 100 litri). La produzione della birra Weiherer è curata dal mastro birraio Roland Kundmüller, coadiuvato quotidianamente dai nostri birrai, dato che produrre birra è un processo complesso.

Maggiori informazioni sul birrificio