Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

8 Beer mug collection part 1

In the corridor from the restaurant towards the toilet you can find a part of our beer mug collection. Over 350 historical beer mugs can be seen here and some other old brewery paraphernalia.

A part of our awards can also be found there. In 2005 we were awarded the first Beer Cellar of the Year award.

It continued with the silver medal at the European Beer Star for our Weiherer Rauch (smoked beer) and numerous bronze, silver as well as gold awards for our different beer types. Take a look at our trophy wall and see for yourself.

In addition, you will find here from mugs and glasses to shirts everything that the Weiherer fan heart desires. Here is the right gift or souvenir for every beer fan. If you have any questions or want to buy something, just ask our staff.

Produrre birra

Un mestiere

Il nostro reparto cottura risale al 1975 e ogni cottura è di 50 hl (1 hl = 100 litri). La produzione della birra Weiherer è curata dal mastro birraio Roland Kundmüller, coadiuvato quotidianamente dai nostri birrai, dato che produrre birra è un processo complesso.

Maggiori informazioni sul birrificio