Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

17 Malt and spent grain silos

We have four malt silos, each filled with 26 tons of barley malt. The barley malt is our base malt for all Weiher beers.

Malt is the soul of beer and, after water, the main ingredient in barley juice. How much and which malt is used depends on the recipe and the variety. However, it can be roughly said that about 20 kg of malt are used for one hectoliter of beer (100 l). Of this, mostly classic malts are the base and specialty malts add the icing on the cake. Before the malt is mashed together with water at the beginning of the brewing process, it must be milled. This is the only way that the ingredients can dissolve well in the liquid. In addition to starch/malt sugar, malt also contains proteins, micronutrients and vitamins. In addition, malt gives beer its color and contributes a large part to its taste.

Bierkrugsymbol Did you know ...

... that the spent grains are collected from us by the surrounding farmers and used as high- quality cattle feed? Recycling economy in its most beautiful form.

Produrre birra

Un mestiere

Il nostro reparto cottura risale al 1975 e ogni cottura è di 50 hl (1 hl = 100 litri). La produzione della birra Weiherer è curata dal mastro birraio Roland Kundmüller, coadiuvato quotidianamente dai nostri birrai, dato che produrre birra è un processo complesso.

Maggiori informazioni sul birrificio