Logo Weiherer Bier
150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
de en it

21 Fermentation cellar

The next stop on our tour is the open fermentation. After the wort has passed through the cooler, it enters the fermentation process. The fermentation process takes approx. one week. Here, yeast is used to convert the individual sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This takes place in our yeast tanks on the one hand and in open fermentation on the other.

In addition, the fermentation cellars/yeast cellars are located here. The tanks you can just see each hold about 120 hectoliters. During the fermentation process, we distinguish between two different types of yeast:

bottom-fermented (UG) and top-fermented (OG).

UG: The fermentation process takes place at 6 - 9 degrees Celsius and the yeast settles at the bottom of the tank. Examples of bottom-fermented beers: Lager Hell, Keller, Urstöffla and Bock.

OG: The fermentation process takes place at a temperature of 15 - 22 degrees Celsius and the yeast floats on top. Examples of top-fermented beers:. Examples of top-fermented beers: Wheat, Ales, the Schwärzla or OSw-Alt.

Produrre birra

Un mestiere

Il nostro reparto cottura risale al 1975 e ogni cottura è di 50 hl (1 hl = 100 litri). La produzione della birra Weiherer è curata dal mastro birraio Roland Kundmüller, coadiuvato quotidianamente dai nostri birrai, dato che produrre birra è un processo complesso.

Maggiori informazioni sul birrificio